Tears of Innocence~'+.`+'.
Capture the Present
Xx Xiu Qin xX
11 March
Peer Councillor
HS NPCC Gryphons'04
Hougang Sec
Ex-yio chu kang pri
Noisy at time
Cheerful??? Happy???

Soft toy
all my good friend
Ice cream
Go out with friends


Irritating people
Being brokre
Being bored

Be happy always
Good results
New handphone
More cash
Have a job
New shoes
New clothes
New bag
Learn piano
Go out wth kelin and elaine to punggol beach
More joy in my life
World peace
Sep 5, 2007
Sep 6, 2007
Sep 7, 2007


Whispers that tempted me from moving on

♥ Elaine ~ Ah Ma ♥
♥ Yu Jia ♥
♥ Kelly ma'am ♥
♥ Kelin ♥
♥ Madgalene ~ Elaine's sis ♥
♥ Xiu Li ♥
♥ Hui Qi ♥
♥ Michelle ♥
♥ Lao Zha Bor ♥


Image Design:Photobucket - Video and Image HostingRainbowlin
Nature Dream
Vintage Melody

Kelin who help me think of tis url

Thursday, September 6, 2007

In this world, there is 2 ppl living in a world of nonsense.
The lady posted on her blog saying that i back mouth about her and a guy believe her...
A passer-by saw tis and comment her... She thought i am de one who spam her blog... She write tag back to de passer-by in a rude tone... But de fact, it was not me... She doesnt have any prove tat the passer-by was me... In de first place, she dare to post such thing, dont dare to accept such comment...
And they keep saying that i was guilty tat why i lock my previous blog...
That it not true at all...
And they went on... Keep speaking ill of me... Said hurtful thing... Say i was guilty, dunno seek for forgiveness...
I did not done anything wrong... Why i feel guilty? And worst... I am have not done anything wrong how to seek forgiveness...
The guy say my attitude is bad... Wat about his? Talking rudely to me means that attitude is good... Wat a funny joke i ever heard about... Hahaha..
Everybody have a pair of eyes to see...
I changed my link and that guy say i am guilty... That lady also changed her link... That guy locked his blog too... That means they also guilty wat they done...
A person who done nothing wrong at all and badly stabbed by them
Stabbling me, speaking ill of me and still thinking they are rite without any prove
Should seek forgiveness and say sorry to other?

wipe away those tears at
8:05 PM

wipe away those tears at
12:51 PM

A friend is always faithful to u, even during de bad time.
A friend is reliable, u can count on one to always be there.
A friend stays in touch, even through it may not be as often as u'd like!
A true friend is enduing, lasting even when friends lose touch for a while.
A friend is always there for u when u need someone.
A friend is devoted to ur friendship n will nvm do anything to destroy it...

F ~ aithful
R ~ eliable
I ~ n touch
E ~ nduring
N ~ eeded
D ~ evoted

R u tis kind of person?

wipe away those tears at
12:27 PM
